
Adrian – CryptoKet Web3 Marketplace Web Application

Original price was: $499.00.Current price is: $29.99.


What is a Adrian CryptoKet Web3 Marketplace Web Application for Cheap?

NFT Marketplace harnesses the very latest and greatest software technologies to advance students through hands-on, project-driven training. Leveraging the immense power of Solidity and Next.js, this course combines futuristic elements of Web3 blockchain development and the popular culture wave of non-fungible tokens (NFT).

Enter the new era of React.

  • Here’s a little known fact.
  • 17% of the top 1 million websites use Next.js.
  • Are these some nameless websites? Who are these companies?
  • Take a look.

Again, it’s a little known fact.

But the best companies have already realized they need to use Next.js or get left behind.

“Great. I’ll use Next right now.”

Here’s the catch.

Me and these massive companies don’t use Next like plain React.

If you try using Next.js like React, you’ll make a mediocre app and miss the whole point of Next.

That’s because you’re taught that…


“Next.js is just good old React”

Wrong. Next.js is an iceberg.

You think you know it because you only see the 15% of it that’s above water.

So you start coding. And like the Titanic sinking after hitting an iceberg they thought was tiny, what you didn’t know gets you.


The same thing happened to me.

I jumped into the new Next.js thinking it’s the same Next and React I’m used to.

My team and I built our website with it.

After adding line after line of code for months?

Without realizing it the app turned into a slow client-side mess.


It’s not your fault. What’s out there sucks

Next.js 13 & 14 are new. There is no good way to learn them out there.

Every piece of content you see is basic.

It doesn’t teach you the best practices.

Most of the people teaching it have no experience building massive production-ready apps with Next 14 – so they give superficial advice (if the advice is up to date at all).

You don’t want to read the never-ending docs or 7153 articles you need to learn it all.

What if you could just take one course with…


A whole new approach to learning

I spent almost a year deep in the Next.js ocean.

  • Building massive 5 and 6-figure apps for clients on our agency side.
  • Making tutorials & mentoring devs.
  • Rebuilding my course platform from scratch because the old way of building Next & React apps made production apps a mess.

After all this? After countless daily requests for a Next14 course & after perfecting my website?


I finally decided on this three-part learning method for learning Next14 so you don’t have to struggle:

1. Deep dive & understand how it works

Just knowing how to do something isn’t enough.

Not with ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot and new tools that can output better code every day.

See, understanding how the web actually works makes you future-proof.

You’ll be able to prompt little pieces of code and bring them together into a well-architectured app instead of getting replaced.

Here’s a little demo of our deep dive lectures.


2. Build and deploy a complex app

If you have half the pieces of a puzzle?

You have a terrible puzzle.

That’s why theory, short tutorials, and docs aren’t enough. How do you actually bring it all together into a production-ready app?

That’s what separates a great dev from the mediocre junior who just takes on tasks given from above like a robot.

And finally…


3. Active lessons so you’re 100% confident you can code it yourself

Look. The biggest issue with project-based tutorials is that people sometimes just follow along.

You need to practice yourself because no one will code the app for you.

This is why I added Active lessons.

Here you code the most important parts of the app.

You master the features of Next14 to guarantee you walk away with the skills to build stunning apps with Next14 on your own.

Here’s what these lessons look like.

🥁 And the unique app you’ll build is…

A modern StackOverflow clone.


Not an Amazon or Youtube clone every dev and their mother has in their portfolio 😬


The DevOverflow app has:

  • A recommendation system for posts (no one teaches this)
  • Global database data-fetching
  • AI generated answers to questions
  • Badge & Reputation System
  • Views and Voting Mechanism
  • Filter and Pagination for almost all pages & so much more



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💬 Feel free to REACH OUT to our CHAT support for personalized assistance and detailed information tailored to your needs. We’re here to help!


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