
Anissa Holmes – Accelerate Your Practice Growth Bootcamp

Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $55.00.


What is Anissa Holmes Accelerate Your Practice Growth Bootcamp for Cheap?

What you will learn…

  • ​Session 1: Vision, Mission Core Values: setting your goals and getting your TEAM on board to grow the practice
  • Session 2: Creating Your 90 Day Plan
  • ​Session 3: Profit and Time Mastery: reverse engineering production goals and creating a solid strategy so everyone knows what to do
  • Session 4: Systems and KPI’s: choose and create the systems that matter most
  • Session 5: Money Mastery:  How to  set your fees and put in systems for predictable PROFIT
  • Session 6: Verbal skills training to get your patients to say YES!
  • Session 7: Intro to IDS
  • ​Session 8:  Setting up strategic partnerships


Here ‘s More About Our Program and What’s Included

Daily Voxer access to me and my incredible team of coaches 24 X7 for strategic coaching, check-ins, and support ($20,000 Value)

​2 Monthly Bootcamp Meetings to Mastermind with other Bootcamp ($12,000 Value)

4 Month FREE Access to Deliveing WOW U ($497.00 Value)

​FREE Access to Facebook Bootcamp ($697.00 value)

​Members Only Discounts to tools such as Dental Intel, Legwork, Yapi, and so much more! ($4,997.00 Value)

​Access to Advanced Marketing Collateral ($16,000 Value, no additional cost!)



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💬 Feel free to reach out to our CHAT support for personalized assistance and detailed information tailored to your needs. We’re here to help!


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