
Ankur Warikoo – Complete Guide To Starting Up

Original price was: $17.90.Current price is: $5.00.


What is a Ankur Warikoo Complete Guide To Starting Up for Cheap?


Building something you love.
Working on your own terms.
Your dream startup idea shouldn’t be limited to your dreams.

It’s time you make it a reality.

From idea to marketing, this course will guide you through all the nuances of idea selection, finding your founding team, raising the funds, building your first product, pricing it, and finding your first 1000 customers.

That’s not all — through approaches, frameworks, and practical assignments, you’ll also have an actionable plan to handle complex decisions in your startup journey. 

Through expert insights and proven strategies, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and mindset to navigate the startup ecosystem confidently.



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Shortlisting Startup Ideas

  • Out of all of your ideas, understand which one is the million-dollar idea that is worth pursuing. Learn the process to validate your ideas and shortlist the best ones.

Founder Equity And ESOPs

  • Learn about splitting equity with your co-founder and the structure of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan. Understand the basis of founder equity and the A to Z of ESOPs through frameworks.

Picking A Startup Idea

  • Now that you have your 3-5 ideas shortlisted, use our three decision making frameworks to capitalise on the right one and be prepared for the journey ahead.


Building Your Product

  • How can you determine if your product meets market needs without spending a lot of time and money on R&D? Learn about early-stage product development and how to build an MVP (Minimal Viable Product).

Finding Your First Customer

  • It’s time to put into action all of your behind-the-scenes work and launch your product. Understand how to launch your product, find product-market fit, and the roadmap to get your first 1,000 customers.


Pricing Your Product

  • Pricing your product isn’t as simple as it sounds. You need to go beyond data and number crunching to understand the real market value of your product. Learn the ins-and-outs of pricing your product correctly.


Building Your Founding Team

  • A solid team is the foundation of any startup. Determine whether you need a co-founder for your business, and understand the key traits of a good co-founder and founding team that complements your skills.


The Basics Of Fundraising

  • You need funds. 100%. But do you need investors? Or should you bootstrap your business? Learn whether to raise funds, how much to raise, and how to determine valuation.


Bonus Content And Upgrades

  • Find the value of your start up journey and get access to module notes, start-up frameworks, recorded Q&A sessions, bonus content upgrades and much more!

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