What is Ben Settle Email Players List Swell ebook for Cheap?
If you are okay with building a free email list that slowly & gradually swells up over time with loyal new customers eagerly & hungrily buying your offers… then this letter will show you how.
Here’s the low-down:
I publish an expensive book about the slow, boring, “meat & potatoes” list-building methods I’ve taught in various “Email Players” issues over the years, that have created what I believe is one of the most responsive lists in my industry. And, I daresay many people I’ve promoted for would agree, too — from the former Executive Vice President of one of the biggest direct marketing companies in history (who oversaw probably thousands of marketing campaigns, and has certainly “seen it all” when it comes to lists)… to A-list copywriters I’ve mailed for… to the dozens of people I’ve sold for as an affiliate (or as a favor for) over the years — including seasoned marketing pros who could not believe how responsive my list is, and how eager the good people on it were to buy their offers.
Anyway, the book is called:
“Email Players List Swell”
But realize there’s nothing “new” about the info inside.
Most of the tips take lots of time, effort, and patience to work, too.
And, frankly, the only reason I went through the trouble of creating it is because almost every week someone asks me about list-building, and I figured I might as well make some scratch out of the demand, while getting them to stop pestering me at the same time.