What is Dan Koe The Future Of Work Event (Workshop) for Cheap?
Start your one-person business, acquire high-value habits & skills, and gain clarity on your life’s work.
A virtual event for creative & knowledge workers.
The Future Of Work virtual event will take place in March of 2024.
The event will take place over the course of 2 weekends with 6+ speakers to bring you the education that schools won’t (and can’t) teach you to thrive in the economy that creators created.
Here’s what you will learn at the virtual event:
- How to build an authoritative voice, independent income source, and public resume for digital careers in the creator economy.
- How to create a clear and original writing strategy for the next 3 years based on your life’s work (to build a readership).
- How to go from idea to execution in record time and end procrastination. This comes from rapid learning & productivity systems.
- How to form relationships with the leaders, public figures, and creators you look up to. We help you get your foot in the door even if you have 0 value to give upfront. This is how you have high value opportunities sent your way (because high-value people know what you do).
- How to pursue your curiosities, passions, and obsessions while setting yourself up for profit (even if those don’t seem profitable).
- Reach new levels of consciousness, awareness, and understanding of the things you are obsessed about. You will notice your increase in cognitive & intellectual development.
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What You’ll Learn In The Future Of Work Event
Module 1) Turn Yourself Into The Business & Start With Zero Dollars
- Turn your interests into your life’s work and vessel for self-actualization.
- Create an action plan to cultivate a high-value mindset and skillset.
- Choose a career path that best fits your personality and exactly what to do to reach your earning goals.
Panelist 1) Why Writing Is Your Key To Success
- Creators are decentralized media companies and writing is the foundation of all media.
- Learn writing as a way to clear your mind, organize your thoughts, and attract people with likeminded interests.
- Forget about “being a good writer” and learn how to write with impact in your own authentic voice (we discourage academic writing).
Module 2) How To Make Your Work, Writing, Products, & Services So Good People Can’t Help But Share & Buy
- Learn the skill that separates starving artists from high earners: value creation.
- Receive tactical frameworks that help you instantly increase the perceived value of anything you create.
- Never feel unconfident in the value that your work provides.
Panelist 2) Design Your Ideal Lifestyle & Make It Reality
- Document what your ideal lifestyle is and create a plan to get there with technology.
- Stop copying “billionaire productivity systems” and create one that best fits your personality.
- Understand the psychology behind the flow state to knock out 7 days of work in 4 hours.
Feel free to reach out to our CHAT support for personalized assistance and detailed information tailored to your needs. We’re here to help!
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