What is a David DeAngelo Approaching Women for Cheap?
Granted, some of these guys are better than others, but even the ones that might have had some success in getting laid (or even getting married), don’t really understand how women work. They might have had some success using a certain pickup line or attitude when approaching women and they assume that’s what got the hall pass, but really, they have no clue.
Most women make up their mind within seconds of seeing you as to whether or not they would consider sleeping with you. This doesn’t mean that you are in if her answer is yes, it means that she would consider it, and if you play your cards right you might have a chance.
It is a misconception that women are just being difficult or coy when they are picking their mate. In fact, women are just true to their physical and emotional responses when they choose who they want to be with.
Even if a woman is just looking for a bit of fun, she is still likely to choose a guy that she could see herself date. Keep this in mind when you are approaching women. You need to connect with her at least somewhat on an intellectual and emotional level as well as the physical.
Those first few seconds when women do their initial evaluation of you, they are interpreting all these signals that you re not even aware of sending out. Women are not as visual as men, they of course like men to bee good looking, but how you look to them is largely determined by how you feel about yourself. Almost every woman I’ve ever known has at some point thrown all her preconceived ideas of what kind of guy she’s attracted to overboard because she met some guy that didn’t fit her requirements at all but still somehow made her knees wobble.
Approaching women successfully starts with you. I know you’ve heard it all before, but it largely comes down to confidence. By confidence, I don’t mean arrogance; being overly cocky can easily turn a woman off you. True confidence, the one that women love and look for is the subtle one. You don’t even have to do much; it not about showing off, it’s about how you feel in your own skin.
Next to good personal hygiene, and taking basic care of how you look, the best way to become good at approaching women is by working on yourself; build your confidence and learn to really like and appreciate yourself and women will too.
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