What is Erin Flynn Streamline Design Profit for Cheap?
Streamline Design Profit is now available in two parts.
You can snag them separately, or together. Whatever you need to design the business you want.
Part One – Foundations
- Lays the foundation and helps you establish your pricing, target audience, and start marketing to them. No more wondering if you’re in the right niche, charging enough, or wishing and hoping that clients will find you. You set your prices, bring in the clients, and feel confident in the value you’re providing.
- Part one is perfect if you’re new to business, struggling with pricing, wanting to shift to a new target market (one that has more $$$), or don’t have consistent clients.
Part Two – Systems
- Organizes ALL the things, and comes with all the templates you’ll ever need to streamline your web design process. You’ll always know what happens next, and spend a heck of a lot less time doing admin work. You can simply copy and paste and be up and running with your new systems in no time.
- Part two is perfect if you’ve already established your target audience, set your prices, and have clients coming in consistently, but need to get organized!
- And if you need both? Girl, you’ve got both.
- I’ll be digging in deeper to each section shortly, but I want you to take a minute and imagine…
▶️ SAMPLE: https://t.me/examplesdesign/14
▶️ SAMPLE: https://ok.ru/video/3110256118322
▶️ SAMPLE: https://rutube.ru/video/046fc590d1af1070181faa6fd1bb652e/
Erin Flynn Streamline Design Profit Index
📁 01-Streamline. Design. Profit. The Course!
- 📁 01-Get Started!
- 📄 01-Welcome to Streamline Design Profit! – Erin Flynn’s Courses.mp4 (28.64 MB)
- 📄 01-welcome to streamline design profit! _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (339.91 KB)
- 📄 02-join the community! join the private community! _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (116.08 KB)
- 📄 03-group calls + feedback requests submit your questions and feedback requests _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (97.68 KB)
- 📄 04-download your web design process checklist _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (64.98 KB)
- 📄 05-recommended resources _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (104.42 KB)
- 📁 02-Pricing & Targeting
- 📄 01-module one welcome welcome to module one of streamline design profit! _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (84.81 KB)
- 📄 02-Why Premium Prices- – Erin Flynn’s Courses.mp4 (16.70 MB)
- 📄 02-why premium prices_ _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (217.88 KB)
- 📄 03-Income Planning – Erin Flynn’s Courses.mp4 (123.01 MB)
- 📄 03-income planning _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (217.40 KB)
- 📄 04-Profitable Niching – Erin Flynn’s Courses.mp4 (143.59 MB)
- 📄 04-profitable niching _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (222.74 KB)
- 📄 05-Ideal Clients (who can afford you) – Erin Flynn’s Courses.mp4 (33.77 MB)
- 📄 05-ideal clients (who can afford you) _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (210.98 KB)
- 📄 06-accountability_ tell us who your ideal clients are! _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (55.16 KB)
- 📁 03-Packaging & Selling
- 📄 01-module two welcome welcome to module two of streamline design profit! _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (88.15 KB)
- 📄 02-STOP Selling Websites – Erin Flynn’s Courses.mp4 (17.38 MB)
- 📄 02-stop selling websites _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (223.84 KB)
- 📄 03-Streamline Your Services – Erin Flynn’s Courses.mp4 (24.91 MB)
- 📄 03-streamline your services _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (210.25 KB)
- 📄 04-Selling Value – Erin Flynn’s Courses.mp4 (21.03 MB)
- 📄 04-selling value _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (216.69 KB)
- 📄 05-Package & Sell Your Services – Erin Flynn’s Courses.mp4 (166.06 MB)
- 📄 05-package _ sell your services _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (209.93 KB)
- 📄 06-Payment Schedules – Erin Flynn’s Courses.mp4 (21.88 MB)
- 📄 07-accountability_ tell us your value message! _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (55.22 KB)
- 📁 04-Marketing
- 📄 01-module three welcome welcome to module three of streamline design profit! _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (81.50 KB)
- 📄 02-Marketing for Web Designers.mp4 (25.32 MB)
- 📄 03-Curate Your Website + Portfolio.mp4 (27.26 MB)
- 📄 03-Curate Your Website + Portfolio.pdf (217.08 KB)
- 📄 04- Use Your Existing Network .mp4 (31.74 MB)
- 📄 04- Use Your Existing Network .pdf (227.06 KB)
- 📄 05-Growing Your Network .mp4 (23.85 MB)
- 📄 05-Growing Your Network .pdf (207.46 KB)
- 📄 06-Blogging for Web Designers .pdf (102.11 KB)
- 📄 06-Blogging for Web Designers.mp4 (222.97 MB)
- 📄 07-Email List.pdf (114.62 KB)
- 📄 07-Email Lists .mp4 (16.64 MB)
- 📄 08-Social Media .mp4 (148.74 MB)
- 📄 08-Social Media.pdf (117.59 KB)
- 📄 09-Create Your Marketing Plan .mp4 (129.60 MB)
- 📄 09-Create Your Marketing Plan.pdf (110.34 KB)
- 📄 10-accountability tell us your favorite way to get clients .pdf (54.94 KB)
- 📁 05-Client Screening & Sales
- 📄 01-Module four welcome + communication templates welcome to module four of streamline design profit!.pdf (85.63 KB)
- 📄 02- Inquiry Forms.mp4 (29.45 MB)
- 📄 02-Inquiry Forms.pdf (125.33 KB)
- 📄 03- Intro Packet Workshop.mp4 (344.02 MB)
- 📄 03- Intro Packet Workshop.pdf (102.10 KB)
- 📄 04-Client Experience Upgrade – Create a Custom Video.pdf (82.62 KB)
- 📄 05-Discovery Calls.mp4 (156.51 MB)
- 📄 05-Discovery Calls.pdf (220.26 KB)
- 📄 06-Demo.pdf (143.10 KB)
- 📄 06-Packaged Proposals.mp4 (128.43 MB)
- 📄 06-Packaged Proposals.pdf (118.75 KB)
- 📄 07-Contract Resources.pdf (131.45 KB)
- 📄 08-Accountability-Show off your inquiry form! .pdf (55.32 KB)
- 📁 06-Client Onboarding
- 📄 01-Module Five Welcome + Communication Templates.pdf (88.78 KB)
- 📄 02-Welcome Packet Workshop.mp4 (149.16 MB)
- 📄 02-Welcome Packet Workshop.pdf (229.02 KB)
- 📄 03-client experience upgrade – coffee gift card _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (90.50 KB)
- 📄 04-Project Setup.mp4 (21.29 MB)
- 📄 04-Project Setup.pdf (214.19 KB)
- 📄 05-Client Homework – Login Information.mp4 (10.59 MB)
- 📄 05-Client Homework – Login Information.pdf (195.96 KB)
- 📄 06-Client Homework – Strategy Questionnaire.mp4 (33.78 MB)
- 📄 06-Client Homework – Strategy Questionnaire.pdf (213.89 KB)
- 📄 07-Client Homework – Content Guide.mp4 (204.60 MB)
- 📄 07-client homework – content guide.pdf (225.38 KB)
- 📄 08-accountability_ tell us about your project management system! _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (66.14 KB)
- 📁 07-Website Build
- 📄 01-module six welcome + communication templates welcome to module six of streamline design profit!.pdf (91.80 KB)
- 📄 02-Strategic Website Design.mp4 (156.62 MB)
- 📄 02-strategic website design.pdf (227.59 KB)
- 📄 03-Strategy Calls.mp4 (127.00 MB)
- 📄 03-strategy calls _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (232.00 KB)
- 📄 04-client experience upgrade – weekly check-ins _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (82.40 KB)
- 📄 05-The Mockup.mp4 (22.36 MB)
- 📄 05-the mockup _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (211.81 KB)
- 📄 06-Present Your Work.mp4 (14.43 MB)
- 📄 06-present your work _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (210.95 KB)
- 📄 07-Get Useful Feedback.mp4 (31.51 MB)
- 📄 07-get useful feedback _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (236.41 KB)
- 📄 08-Website Testing.mp4 (11.56 MB)
- 📄 08-website testing _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (110.67 KB)
- 📄 09-accountability_ tell us how you use strategy to deliver results _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (65.70 KB)
- 📁 08-Website Launch
- 📄 01-module seven welcome + communication templates welcome to module seven of streamline design profit.pdf (90.56 KB)
- 📄 02-Website Launch.mp4 (14.13 MB)
- 📄 02-website launch _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (220.30 KB)
- 📄 03-Goodbye Packet Workshop.mp4 (229.20 MB)
- 📄 03-goodbye packet workshop _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (246.09 KB)
- 📄 04-Collecting Feedback & Testimonials.mp4 (176.44 MB)
- 📄 04-Testimonials and Case Studies – Case Study Example.pdf (119.59 KB)
- 📄 04-collecting feedback _ testimonials _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (212.95 KB)
- 📄 05-client experience upgrade – goodbye gift _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (78.01 KB)
- 📄 06-accountability_ tell us the best feedback you’ve gotten from a client _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (55.62 KB)
- 📁 09-Course Wrap Up + Implementation
- 📄 01-implementation + what’s next _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (100.62 KB)
- 📄 02-Congratulations.mp4 (8.81 MB)
- 📄 02-congratulations!!! _ erin flynn’s courses.pdf (223.76 KB)
📁 02-Guest Expert Trainings
- 📁 01-Marketing
- 📄 01-Marketing Sprints by Kyla Roma Workbook.pdf (76.88 KB)
- 📄 01-Raise your rates and build a happy waitlist training with Kyla Roma.mp4 (343.17 MB)
- 📄 01-raise your rates and build a happy waitlist training with kyla roma.pdf (250.57 KB)
- 📄 02-Audience Profile Fillable.pdf (94.88 KB)
- 📄 02-Content Compass Workbook.pdf (2.50 MB)
- 📄 02-Content Compass masterclass with Lydia Kitts.mp4 (284.81 MB)
- 📄 02-Goal Setting Content Compass Homework.pdf (309.82 KB)
- 📄 03-How to write better landing pages with Meghan Hartman.mp4 (31.26 MB)
- 📄 03-How to write better landing pages with Meghan Hartman2.mp4 (268.05 MB)
- 📄 03-empathy-map-worksheet.pdf (37.78 KB)
- 📄 04-The Secret to Getting Paying Clients Through LinkedIn with Andréa Jones.mp4 (338.95 MB)
- 📄 04-the secret to getting paying clients through linkedin with andréa jones.pdf (298.34 KB)
- 📄 05-Follow Up Strategy for Prospective Clients with Natalie McGuire.mp4 (491.41 MB)
- 📄 05-follow up strategy for prospective clients with natalie mcguire.pdf (559.16 KB)
- 📄 06-Sharing Your Design Work on Insta While Staying True to Your Brand – Workbook.pdf (663.26 KB)
- 📄 06-Sharing your work on Instagram with Shaina Longstreet.mp4 (249.37 MB)
- 📁 02-Making Websites
- 📄 01-Get content from clients – Worksheet.pdf (348.69 KB)
- 📄 01-Getting Content from Clients with James Rose.mp4 (231.19 MB)
- 📄 02-The 3 most important pieces of an effective web design with Krista Rae.mp4 (122.11 MB)
- 📄 02-the 3 most important pieces of an effective web design with krista rae.pdf (263.60 KB)
- 📁 03-Tools
- 📄 01-Organize design projects with Freedcamp with Angel Grablev.mp4 (427.88 MB)
- 📄 01-organize design projects with freedcamp with angel grablev.pdf (361.08 KB)
- 📄 02-Design Process Cheatsheet.pdf (360.00 KB)
- 📄 02-Organize design projects with Asana with Nesha Woolery – Erin Flynn’s 1.mp4 (30.47 MB)
- 📄 02-Organize design projects with Asana with Nesha Woolery – Erin Flynn’s 3.mp4 (7.45 MB)
- 📄 02-Organize design projects with Asana with Nesha Woolery – Erin Flynn’s 4.mp4 (15.48 MB)
- 📄 02-Organize design projects with Asana with Nesha Woolery – Erin Flynn’s 5.mp4 (3.99 MB)
- 📄 02-Organize design projects with Asana with Nesha Woolery – Erin Flynn’s 6.mp4 (5.88 MB)
- 📄 02-Organize design projects with Asana with Nesha Woolery.mp4 (26.33 MB)
- 📄 03-Create a landing page with Beaver Builder with Joe Casabona – Erin Flynn’s.mp4 (177.14 MB)
- 📄 03-create a landing page with beaver builder with joe casabona _ erin flynn’s.pdf (307.70 KB)
- 📄 04-GA Migration Checklist.pdf (48.71 KB)
- 📄 04-GA Migration Plan.pdf (4.22 MB)
- 📄 04-Migrate Google Analytics with Cinthia Pacheco – Erin Flynn’s.mp4 (164.19 MB)
- 📄 05-Create goals in Google Analytics with Cinthia Pacheco – Erin Flynn’s.mp4 (228.31 MB)
- 📄 05-Google Analytics Goals Workshop – Worksheet.pdf (52.94 KB)
Erin Flynn Streamline Design Profit Benefits:
- Comprehensive Business Foundations:
Part One of Erin Flynn’s Streamline Design Profit lays a solid foundation by helping you establish pricing, target audience, and marketing strategies. This ensures you attract the right clients and confidently charge what you’re worth, leading to a more profitable business.
- Efficient Systems and Templates:
Part Two offers a complete set of templates and systems to streamline your web design process, reducing the time spent on administrative tasks. This efficiency allows you to focus more on client work and business growth, ultimately increasing your earnings.
- Flexible and Tailored Solutions:
The program is available in two parts, allowing you to choose the specific area you need help with or opt for both parts for a comprehensive solution. This flexibility ensures you get exactly what you need to enhance your business operations and profitability.
Feel free to reach out to our CHAT support for personalized assistance and detailed information tailored to your needs. We’re here to help!
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