What is a Greg Greenway Getting Physical for Cheap?
Now in this Dating Solution on Getting Physical, I’m going to talk to you about what’s called escalating. Escalating is the process by which you escalate the touch that you have of the girl. If I refer to Kino, that just means touching her. In this section, I’m going to show you how you can smoothly escalate your touch with a girl, because you don’t want to start trying to kiss her straight away, or you don’t want to just try and jump into bed straight away.
That’s going to be weird and freak her out which will make her much more likely to reject you. Whenever you meet a girl, there are certain times in the interaction where she can reject you. A couple of the most common times are when you are going in for the kiss, and when you’re in bed and you’re about to take her clothes off. If you follow the system I’m about to show you, and you follow this process of escalating, you’re going to sidestep any of these problems as if they were never there. The objective of what I will show you in this guide is to make her comfortable with you touching her. Once she is comfortable with you touching her then, and only then can you start thinking about kissing her or having sex with her. It is very important to understand is that if a girl does not feel comfortable with you sexual touching you, none of these things I’m going to show you will work.
She’s going to stop you straight away and she is completely entitled to do so. The most crucial thing you must remember throughout all of this is that no means no. If she backs off, she’s completely allowed to. Don’t take any of this for granted. She will only reciprocate any of the techniques I’m about to show you if she likes you and if she wants you to touch her. If she doesn’t like you, if she doesn’t want you to touch her, if she’s not interested in a physical relationship wit you, she’s not going to reciprocate any of these techniques.
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