
High Performance Trading – Fierce 10

Original price was: $495.00.Current price is: $29.99.


What is a High Performance Trading Fierce 10 for Cheap?

Fierce 10 Foundational High Performance Trader Mindset Coaching Program

Are You Ready To Take Control of Your Trading Future?

In this 10-week self-paced, on-demand coaching program, you will discover powerful techniques designed to increase consistency.

Some of these include becoming consistent through developing your mindset, emotional intelligence, and self-mastery:

  • Develop the mental strength to powerfully deal with pain and the pain of losing
  • Overcoming impulsive trading behavior
  • Fine-tune critical performance factors: discipline and patience

I will share my personal Case Studies and Trading Examples from some of the extraordinary traders I’ve worked with over the past decade. You’ll find out their inspiring stories.

Finally, I’ll reveal how each one of these thriving traders overcame their failures, setbacks, and challenges to succeed.

This program goes more profound than any trading mindset training you’ll ever participate in. So, naturally, it is ideal for the trader ready to dive into a profound journey of Self Discovery.

Throughout this journey, you will discover why you are wired the way you are… How you can stop the self-sabotaging behaviors that keep you stuck.

And get absolute clarity on what’s been holding you back from becoming the successful trader you have the potential to be.

Get ready to step into your power and start becoming the trader you deserve to be!





What You’ll Learn In Fierce 10?

MODULE 1: Setting Yourself Up For Trading Success

  • Design Your Journey To Full Time Trading
  • The 4 Categories of a Robust Trading Business
  • The Wheel of Trading Success

MODULE 2: Breaking the Patterns of Self-Sabotage

  • How the Ego works: Overcoming impulsive trading behaviour
  • The 4 Levels of Blockages – How to identify and clear blockages
  • Decoding Your Limits: How to create habits for success

MODULE 3: Managing the Pitfalls of Trading with Powerful Self-Coaching Techniques

  • The DIFFERENCE between profitable and losing traders
  • Success Principles for Traders
  • How to Journal – the right way

MODULE 4: Find Your Inner Magic – Emotional Intelligence for Traders

  • Your Personal Emotional Guidance System
  • Emotional Mastery for Traders
  • Quickly Moving on from Losing Streaks

MODULE 5: The Empowerment Code

  • Your Relationship with Failure
  • The Power of Mindfulness
  • Critical Performance Factors: The Three Steps to Discipline and Patience

Module 6: Mind Matters

  • Discipline, Self-Talk and Emotions
  • The 4 Levels of Thinking
  • How to Deal with Fear

MODULE 7: The 5 Keys to Trading Success

  • Overcoming Challenges – Building Resilience, managing Stress
  • Qualities of a Successful Trader: How to Stay Calm in the Heat of the Moment
  • Success Principles to Bringing the Successful Trader out from within you

MODULE 8: Tap Into Your Personal Power

  • Managing Superhero Syndrome
  • Handle Losses Like A Winner
  • Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

MODULE 9: Accelerate Your Trading Performance

  • Discover your Money Identity & Beliefs
  • How to improve your Relationship with Money
  • How to transform your Trader Identity at it’s core

MODULE 10: Living the Dream: Design Your Road Map to Full Time Trading

  • Where to from here?
  • Planning for a Successful Life of Full Time Trading

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