What is Jack McDade Radical Design for Cheap?
Are you an aspiring designer, developer, marketer, or sharknado chaser? Maybe you’re a burnt-out designer struggling for fresh ideas, or perhaps you have no idea where to start with design? Do you need to find a way to make your sites less boring and more memorable? Well then, this course is for you.
You Will
- You will learn how to design sites and write content that will be remembered.
- You will learn ways to be original, unique, and make your designs stand out. Boring sucks.
- You will learn how to design quickly and efficiently so you can get on with the other 71 things on your todo list.
- You will learn how to develop a unique style of your very own.
- You will learn how to be excited about design instead of dreading it.
- You will learn the value of humor in your designs.
- You will learn how to use a wide range of design tools & apps.
- You will learn important fundamentals.
- You will hide content behind poorly executed hand
Jack McDade Radical Design Index:
📄 00-radical-icons-12.zip (8.10 MB)
📁 01-Section One – Think Like a Designer
📄 01-Intro to the Intro.pdf (177.83 KB)
📄 02-How to Use this Course.pdf (160.14 KB)
📄 03-The Big Secret.pdf (71.28 KB)
📄 04-Start Curating.pdf (172.96 KB)
📄 05-Start Stealing.pdf (245.89 KB)
📄 06-The Radical Design Process.pdf (139.09 KB)
📄 07-Choose Your Own Adventure.pdf (62.04 KB)
📁 01-Section-One-Think-Like-a-Designer
📄 01 – Intro to the Intro.mp4 (43.01 MB)
📄 02 – How to Use the Course.mp4 (30.56 MB)
📄 03 – The Big Secret.mp4 (39.45 MB)
📄 04 – Start Curating.mp4 (38.59 MB)
📄 05 – Start Stealing.mp4 (74.36 MB)
📄 05-2400 artists create unique renders from a simple prompt 18 YEARS OF WORK Alternate Realities.mp4 (510.73 MB)
📄 05-Recycled Disney Animation Compilation 1 2 3 All in one.mp4 (54.18 MB)
📄 06 – The Design Process.mp4 (36.10 MB)
📄 07 – Choose Your Own Adventure.mp4 (29.12 MB)
📁 02-Section Two – Plan Like a Designer
📄 01-Gather- Create From Abundance.pdf (164.22 KB)
📄 02-Gather- Inspiration.pdf (256.69 KB)
📄 03-Experiment- One Banana Per Day.pdf (56.50 KB)
📄 04-Experiment- Dont Work Play.pdf (111.60 KB)
📄 04-the-men-who-stare-at-websites-1.psd (19.02 MB)
📄 04-the-men-who-stare-at-websites-2.psd (40.39 MB)
📄 05-Unleash- Stop Consuming Ignore Everything.pdf (56.82 KB)
📄 06-Unleash- Establishing Goals.pdf (46.29 KB)
📄 07-Unleash- Good Design Begins with Content.pdf (51.52 KB)
📄 08-Unleash- Make Garbage.pdf (55.12 KB)
📄 09-Where to Gumshoe.pdf (30.71 KB)
📁 02-Section-Two-Plan-Like-a-Designer
📄 01 – Gather- Create From Abundance.mp4 (31.59 MB)
📄 02-Gather- Inspiration.mp4 (157.13 MB)
📄 03-Experiment- One Banana Per Day.mp4 (10.49 MB)
📄 04-Experiment- Dont Work Play.mp4 (388.04 MB)
📄 05-Unleash- Stop Consuming Ignore Everything.mp4 (17.65 MB)
📄 06-Unleash- Establishing Goals.mp4 (10.41 MB)
📄 07-Unleash- Good Design Begins with Content.mp4 (20.85 MB)
📄 08-Unleash- Make Garbage.mp4 (27.07 MB)
📄 09-Where to Gumshoe.mp4 (47.87 MB)
📁 03-Section Three – Design Like a Designer
📄 01-The Truth About Best Practices.pdf (37.28 KB)
📄 02-Writing Good Content.pdf (157.45 KB)
📄 03-Style Drives Layout Part I.pdf (64.45 KB)
📄 04-Style Drives Layout Part II.pdf (49.78 KB)
📄 05-Balance vs Grids.pdf (180.72 KB)
📄 06-How to Trick People into Reading.pdf (162.36 KB)
📄 07-Its Font OClock.pdf (140.54 KB)
📄 08-Calls to Action.pdf (94.50 KB)
📄 09-Fiddly Bits.pdf (146.07 KB)
📄 10-Easter Eggs.pdf (92.74 KB)
📄 11-Strategic Squishing For Mobile.pdf (98.70 KB)
📁 03-Section-Three-Design-Like-a-Designer
📄 01-The Truth About Best Practices.mp4 (26.96 MB)
📄 02-Writing Good Content.mp4 (56.44 MB)
📄 03-Style Drives Layout Part I.mp4 (636.86 MB)
📄 04-Style Drives Layout Part II.mp4 (520.99 MB)
📄 05-Balance vs Grids.mp4 (59.75 MB)
📄 06-How to Trick People into Reading.mp4 (566.20 MB)
📄 07-Its Font OClock.mp4 (80.55 MB)
📄 08-Calls to Action.mp4 (381.01 MB)
📄 09-Fiddly Bits.mp4 (107.72 MB)
📄 10-Easter Eggs.mp4 (52.98 MB)
📄 11-Strategic Squishing For Mobile.mp4 (582.91 MB)
📁 04-Section 4 – Tools of the Trade
📄 01-Design Software.pdf (291.85 KB)
📄 02-Sketch.pdf (83.49 KB)
📄 03-Photoshop.pdf (139.12 KB)
📄 04-Illustrator.pdf (168.75 KB)
📄 05-MidJourney.pdf (107.74 KB)
📄 06-Asset Libraries.pdf (102.03 KB)
📁 04-Section-4-Tools-of-the-Trade
📄 01-Design Software.mp4 (65.09 MB)
📄 02-Sketch.mp4 (581.62 MB)
📄 03-Photoshop.mp4 (105.80 MB)
📄 04-Illustrator.mp4 (550.78 MB)
📄 05-MidJourney.mp4 (92.24 MB)
📄 06-Asset Libraries.mp4 (107.67 MB)
📁 05-Section 5 – The Rad Bag
📄 01-Goodbye Icons Hello Monochrome.pdf (177.94 KB)
📄 01-boring-rails-homepagesketch.zip (1.74 MB)
📄 02-Using JSON in your Sketch Designs.pdf (136.08 KB)
📄 02-Using JSON in your Sketch Designs.txt (368.00 B)
📄 02-designed-with-datasketch.zip (10.82 MB)
📄 03-Vectorizing Paper Pen Drawings.pdf (33.81 KB)
📄 04-The Hidden Secrets Inside Your Fonts.pdf (102.07 KB)
📄 05-Fast Dramatic Social Media Images.pdf (91.62 KB)
📄 05-pancake-breakfastpsd.zip (19.39 MB)
📄 06-How I Make Hand-Drawn Dashed Lines.pdf (80.01 KB)
📁 05-Section-5-The-Rad-Bag
📄 01-Goodbye Icons Hello Monochrome.mp4 (63.98 MB)
📄 02-Using JSON in your Sketch Designs.mp4 (195.82 MB)
📄 03-Vectorizing Paper Pen Drawings.mp4 (103.38 MB)
📄 04-The Hidden Secrets Inside Your Fonts.mp4 (37.07 MB)
📄 05-Fast Dramatic Social Media Images.mp4 (106.75 MB)
📄 06-How I Make Hand-Drawn Dashed Lines.mp4 (19.92 MB)
📁 06-Bonus Section – Extra Goodies
📄 01-Bloopers Outtakes.pdf (49.85 KB)
📄 02-The Radical Radical Design Design.pdf (132.25 KB)
📄 03-Critique Erro Coffee.pdf (151.72 KB)
📁 06-Bonus-Section-Extra-Goodies
📄 01-Bloopers Outtakes.mp4 (23.59 MB)
📄 02-The Radical Radical Design Design.mp4 (510.73 MB)
📄 03-Critique Erro Coffee.mp4 (510.73 MB)
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