
James Beattie – Ecom Domination V5

Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $19.99.


What is James Beattie Ecom Domination V5 for Cheap?

This is what Ecom Domination claims to offer you:

  • A 9-week training program presented by a YouTube Dropshipper that actually still does dropshipping.

  • An optimised theme.

  • Access to “Who’s Selling What?”, where you get insight into hot/trending new products.

  • Community and private Facebook Group access.

  • Weekly Q&A Calls with James.

  • V5 Bonuses: Supplier Contact Info, Merchant Processing, Business Builder Live 2.0, Branded Theme



​The first week’s training is what you would expect from most dropshipping courses. Even if you have no prior knowledge and you’re not technically inclined, creating a Shopify Store is super easy.

So, all the videos in every course about Shopify Store Setup, are basically the same. It’s no different here as James doesn’t offer any insider tricks or trips that isn’t readily available on YouTube.

James offers an over-the-shoulder training module of one hour on how to create a store from scratch. You’re shown which theme to choose, how to add pages, customizing colors, adding a logo and other basics.

This progresses then to the different payment processors, product order management, which includes how to configure your shipping timeframes, shipping settings and product fulfillment.

The rest of the week’s modules (lessons), cover how to increase:

– customers to your store,

– average order value, and

– the lifetime value of customers.

The week closes off with setting up your customer support.

Total lesson time: 3 hours 6 minutes.


In Week 2 of Ecom Domination V5, James focuses on product research and selection. This is an extremely important module as the success of your business depends on choosing the right products.

I like that James takes time to explain different methods to find your products and that he shows you how to validate your choices before you start promoting them. This section is often neglected in other courses, but James spent almost an hour and a half on this topic. There’s solid, actionable advice here.

James also covers how to find trustworthy, high quality suppliers on AliExpress and how to write product descriptions that convert. Lastly, he covers how to find local suppliers, which are a much better option than choosing suppliers that ship from China.

Total lesson time: 2 hours 46 minutes.


James takes time (42 minutes), to give you a decent overview of what Facebook Ads are and why you need to use this marketing platform.

He then explains the ins and outs of setting up your Business Manager Account, and covers the different Ad Types and their Objectives. This is followed up by decent lessons on Facebook Targeting, and FB Creatives and Copywriting. James then walks you through launching your first FB Ad.

The most important lessons are the last two modules (James calls each lesson a module). The first one teaches you how to analyze your data. This is extremely important as it shows you when to scale and when to kill your FB Ads/Campaigns. James then shows you how to launch CBO testing campaigns. These two videos contain lots of detail and insight into FB Ads and is well worth the 85 minutes spent on it.

Total lesson time: 4 hours 32 minutes.


This week, James focuses more on advanced strategies and FB Ads methods.

This includes seperate modules that focuses only on Audiences, Scaling, Retargeting (super important, especially the advanced strategies), Manual Bidding, using Facebook Power Tools, Scaling, and using Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO).

There are some great insider tips here!

Total lesson time: 2 hours 43 minutes.


James teaches you everything you need to knoow about email marketing, starting with a 22 minute overview of what it is and why you need to do it.

You learn about Cart Abandonment and how to win back those customers that added products to their cart, but didn’t buy. James also covers how to set up a New Customer Nurture Flow, where you boost your front end sales. The week closes off with even more advanced email marketing techniques and methods.

Total lesson time: 1 hour 48 minutes.


It’s commendable that James included other Advertising Platforms on the course, instead of sticking exclusively to FB Ads. However, the info and methods he proposes are very elementary and will not bring you much success.

This week, James covers Instagram setup, finding Influencers and negotiating with them. He also covers very basic SEO techniques and using YouTube for more exposure.

Total lesson time: 1 hour 7 minutes.


This week, James covers aspects of your business that deal with managerial issues. This includes building a team by finding and hiring Virtual Assistants (VA’s), keeping an eye on your finances and fulfilling orders. ​

James doesn’t offer any new insights and these videos are very basic in their approach and content.

Total lesson time: 1 hour 22 minutes.


Week 8 deals with turning your store into a successful brand. James also covers why you need to make use of the Hybrid Model and how to create a one product store.


Okay, so mindset is important and it is increasingly being incorporated into every single drosphipping course out there. If they had something new to share, great. But most of it can be found on YouTube for free.

Although important to keep yourself motivated when the going gets tough, I wouldn’t spend an entire week on this subject. It’s a case of over-kill…

Total lesson time: 1 hour 11 minutes.


As part of your bonus section, which includes Supplier Contact Info, Merchant Processing, Business Builder Live 2.0, and a Branded Theme, James also covers four Case Studies.

The case studies cover actual scaling methods that James has used.

Total lesson time: 56 minutes.



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