What is Matt C Milne The Savvy SAAS System for Cheap?
The Ultimate Shortcut to Hit the Ground Running with a High Ticket SAAS Offer for Online Business Entrepreneurs
Say Goodbye to Bouncing from Course to Course without Success
This changes everything.
For the first time ever, an innovative system, The Savvy SAAS System, is helping online entrepreneurs successfully create and launch a high ticket SAAS offer without needing to be tech-savvy or have extensive experience.
We’ll show you how to close deals worth a minimum of $8,800 per year (and up to $40k per year), simply by following a proven blueprint, all in just 30-60 days.
What You’ll Learn In The Savvy SAAS System
- STEP 1: Create your high ticket SAAS offer – In this first step we focus on getting your offer created. I show you why it’s best to charge high fees, we cover the savvy tools you have in your toolbox, and how to package them in a way that makes it irresistible for business owners to pay you.
- STEP 2: Get Your Customer Getting Website & Funnel Set Up – Next we’ll get you ready to begin seducing your ideal client on why they should use your software. This means you’ll be able to set up my exact website and follow up sequences, including the same exact demo video I used to bring in over $100k in new business last year alone.
- STEP 3: Install The Pre-Built Client Demo Account – This is where you will simply upload the pre-built client demo account, so you will already know how to fulfill for your new clients when you start signing them up in step 5.
- STEP 4: Start Getting High Quality Prospects To Request Your Demo Video: – By this point you will have every single thing set up that you need in order to start generating sales conversations.
I will teach you the exact organic methods that I’ve spent $10’s of thousands of dollars learning and the paid ads strategies that I’ve developed after spending over $3 million dollars on online advertising.
These are the same exact strategies that me and my clients are currently using to get leads, appointments and sales.
- STEP 5: Savvy High Ticket Software Sales Strategies – By this step you will have leads coming in and red hot appointments ready to talk to you. Now it’s time to use the Savvy Selling framework to close high ticket sales. We do this by just asking great questions and then creating a proposal and sending it over by text or email.
I will teach you the framework I’ve developed after working with some of the top sales consultants in the industry.
It takes the pressure out of selling and makes it feel like you’re just catching up with an old friend.
You will get recordings of my sales calls and copies of the same proposals I’ve used to get my clients.
All you have to do is duplicate my proposals and then customize it for your prospect and it will do most of the selling for you.
- STEP 6: Savvy Client Fulfillment – Congratulations, by the time you get to this stage you will have a client and I will show you exactly what to do for them. I’ll even show you how you can provide high quality leads WITHOUT having to do any extra work.
Once your clients see how well the system helps their business, they will ask you if you can help them get even more leads.
After going through this module you will be able to say YES and feel confident you can deliver.
The good news is it will add at least another $1,000 to your recurring income WITHOUT you doing any extra work.
Matt C Milne The Savvy SAAS System Index:
📁 01-Step 1 – Savvy SAAS Overview and Offer Creation
- 📁 01-How To Create Your Offer
- 📄 01-Big_Picture_Overview.mp4 (118.44 MB)
- 📄 01-Big_Picture_Overview.pdf (21.34 KB)
- 📄 02-How_To_Think_About_Offers.mp4 (215.26 MB)
- 📄 02-How_To_Think_About_Offers.pdf (18.92 KB)
- 📄 02-How_To_Think_About_Your_Offer___Why_You_Want_High_Prices.docx (2.63 MB)
- 📄 03-Designing_Your_SAAS_Offer.docx (9.05 KB)
- 📄 03-The_Kind_Of_Business_We_Work_With.mp4 (510.95 MB)
- 📄 04-The_Tools_In_Our_Toolbox.docx (7.43 KB)
- 📄 04-The_Tools_In_Our_Toolbox.mp4 (162.27 MB)
- 📄 04-The_Tools_In_Our_Toolbox.pdf (24.37 KB)
- 📄 05-How_To_Make_The_Annual_Price_WAY_More_Appealing.mp4 (150.99 MB)
- 📄 05-How_To_Make_The_Annual_Price_WAY_More_Appealing.pdf (17.22 KB)
📁 02-Step 2 – Your High Level Business Account Setup
- 📁 01-Main Account Setup
- 📄 01-Ads_Workflow_1_and_2_Overview.mp4 (237.09 MB)
- 📄 01-Walk_Through_Of_Main_Account.mp4 (272.40 MB)
- 📄 01-Walk_Through_Of_Main_Account.pdf (22.96 KB)
- 📄 02-Get_Your_Phone_Number_Set_Up.mp4 (17.24 MB)
- 📄 02-Get_Your_Phone_Number_Set_Up.pdf (15.76 KB)
- 📄 03-Supplemental_A2P_Phone__Video.mp4 (58.62 MB)
- 📄 04-Copy_of_AI_Powered_Singular_Inbox______.pptx (1.42 MB)
- 📄 04-Edit_Your_11_Minute_AI_Demo_Video.mp4 (158.40 MB)
- 📄 04-Edit_Your_11_Minute_AI_Demo_Video.pdf (20.54 KB)
- 📄 05-Customizing_Your_Demo_Video_Page.mp4 (26.86 MB)
- 📄 06-How_To_Edit_AI_Demo_Video_Automation.mp4 (50.88 MB)
- 📄 07-Edit_Appointment_Reminders.mp4 (49.83 MB)
- 📄 08-Copy_of_Copy_of_New_Follow_Up_Emails_and_Text.docx (289.15 KB)
- 📄 08-How_To_Edit_Follow_Up_Emails___Text.mp4 (70.26 MB)
- 📁 02-Zappy Chat Setup
- 📄 01-Zappy_Chat_Setup.mp4 (97.72 MB)
- 📄 01-Zappy_Chat_Setup.pdf (15.03 KB)
- 📄 02-Copy_of_Copy_of_Another_clients_Prompt.docx (292.67 KB)
- 📄 02-Prompt_Training_For_Your_Business.mp4 (157.80 MB)
- 📄 02-ZappyChat_AI_Prompt_Library.docx (2.24 MB)
- 📁 03-How To Get Support
- 📄 01-Hl_Pro_Tools_For_Support.mp4 (21.74 MB)
- 📄 01-Hl_Pro_Tools_For_Support.pdf (14.66 KB)
📁 03-Step 3 – Savvy Client Account Setup
- 📁 01-Client Snapshot & Walkthrough
- 📄 01-Account_Conversion_to_SaaS.mp4 (39.03 MB)
- 📄 01-Client_Snapshot_Walkthough.mp4 (65.74 MB)
- 📄 01-Client_Snapshot_Walkthough.pdf (21.66 KB)
- 📄 01-Copy_of_DR_Prompt.docx (8.78 KB)
📁 04-Step 4 – Savvy Audience Building Strategies
- 📁 01-Facebook Ads
- 📄 01-Ad_Campaign_Overview_Launch.mp4 (106.43 MB)
- 📄 01-Facebook_Ad_Campaign_Layout.docx (108.82 KB)
- 📄 01-Overview_Of_How_We_Set_Up_The_Ad_Campaigns.mp4 (207.10 MB)
- 📄 01-Overview_Of_How_We_Set_Up_The_Ad_Campaigns.pdf (23.74 KB)
- 📄 02-Start_With_This_Campaign.mp4 (177.28 MB)
- 📄 02-Start_With_This_Campaign.pdf (20.04 KB)
- 📄 03-How_To_Set_Up_FB_Lead_Forms.mp4 (160.84 MB)
- 📄 04-How_To_Connect_The_Form_To_High_Level.mp4 (33.67 MB)
- 📄 05-EXTRA_Facebook_Image_Ad_Research_Overview.mp4 (380.52 MB)
- 📄 05-EXTRA_Facebook_Image_Ad_Research_Overview.pdf (22.25 KB)
- 📄 05-How_To_Figure_Out_The_Ad_Copy.mp4 (277.80 MB)
- 📄 06-Copy_of_Copy_of_Video_Ad_Scripts.docx (8.48 KB)
- 📄 06-EXTRA_Training_Scripts_For_Video_Ads.mp4 (106.50 MB)
- 📄 06-EXTRA_Training_Scripts_For_Video_Ads.pdf (25.40 KB)
- 📁 02-Audience Strategies
- 📄 01-How_To_Get_Your_Audience_To_Show_Interest.mp4 (179.91 MB)
- 📄 01-How_To_Get_Your_Audience_To_Show_Interest.pdf (16.93 KB)
- 📄 02-How_To_Find_Clients_In_FB_Groups.mp4 (259.21 MB)
- 📄 02-How_To_Find_Clients_In_FB_Groups.pdf (17.33 KB)
- 📄 03-Why___How_To_Build_Your_Audience.mp4 (128.61 MB)
📁 05-Step 5 – Savvy Sales Strategies
- 📁 01-Sales Call Training
- 📄 01-Brian.docx (10.95 KB)
- 📄 01-Call_Recording_-_Yoga_Studio.wav (26.54 MB)
- 📄 01-Copy_of_Copy_of_Ken___4_800_.docx (10.54 KB)
- 📄 01-Copy_of_Copy_of_Steven_Offer.docx (9.54 KB)
- 📄 01-How_I_do_Proposals.mp4 (172.18 MB)
- 📄 01-Loom_Sales_Call_Overview.mp4 (15.88 MB)
- 📄 01-Loom_Uncovering_Business_Challenges_and_Developing_a_Plan.mp4 (80.45 MB)
- 📄 01-Plumbing_Business.docx (11.23 KB)
- 📄 01-Sales_Call_Overview.docx (11.11 KB)
- 📄 01-Sales_Call_Recording_-_Deck_Company.wav (40.37 MB)
- 📄 01-Sales_Script_Training.mp4 (80.45 MB)
- 📄 01-Sales_Script_Training.pdf (27.58 KB)
- 📄 01-Savvy_Sales.docx (7.54 KB)
- 📄 01-Steve_Dodge_-_Painting.wav (28.82 MB)
- 📁 02-Outbound Sales Follow Up Strategy
- 📄 01-Calling_Leads_From_Your_Ads.mp4 (478.82 MB)
- 📄 01-KPI_For_Phone_Calls.docx (6.71 KB)
- 📄 01-Outbound_Sales_Strategy.docx (10.04 KB)
- 📄 01-Outbound_Text__Emails___Phone_Script.docx (7.23 KB)
📁 06-Step 6 – Savvy Service Delivery
- 📄 01-Case_Studies.pptx (1.16 MB)
- 📄 01-GHL_Pipeline_Training_-_Best_Practices___FAQ.mp4 (44.31 MB)
- 📄 01-GHL_Pipeline_Training_-_Overview.mp4 (58.23 MB)
- 📄 01-How_To_Get_Leads_For_Your_Clients.mp4 (351.73 MB)
- 📄 01-How_To_Get_Leads_For_Your_Clients.pdf (30.25 KB)
- 📄 01-My_Ad_Copy_Process_For_White_Label_Agencies.mp4 (317.13 MB)
- 📄 01-White-Label_Ad_Management___Meta__Google__TikTok____LinkedIn_Ad_MGMT.mp4 (28.18 MB)
- 📄 01-White_Label_Resource_Doc.docx (497.19 KB)
- 📁 01-How To Onboard
- 📄 01-How_To_Charge_A_Client.mp4 (351.73 MB)
- 📄 01-How_To_Charge_A_Client.pdf (16.05 KB)
- 📄 02-CBC_Roofing_AI_Overview.mp4 (35.28 MB)
- 📄 02-How_To_Onboard_a_New_Client.mp4 (148.04 MB)
- 📄 02-How_To_Onboard_a_New_Client.pdf (19.72 KB)
- 📄 02-Setting_up_Integrations_Overview.mp4 (29.75 MB)
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