What is Michelle Villalobos Retreats To Riches for Cheap?
Retreats To Riches Course walks you through the exact steps to design, fill, deliver and MONETIZE retreats – and enroll your favorite participants into your Big Back End.
Over the course of 6 modules (and bonus materials!) you’ll become proficient in the essential skills to generate profits in a meaningful and fulfilling way.
01-Introduction — Start Here!! Modules Overview & Housekeeping
02-Module 1-The Opportunity
03-Module 2-Discover & Design Part 1
04-Module 3-Discover & Design Part 2
05-Module 4-Promote & Enroll
06-Module 5-Prepare & Plan
07-Module 6-Delight, Invite & Retain
08-Wrap Up
09-Bonus- Retreats To Riches Tool Kit
10-Hot Seat Sessions
▶️ SAMPLE: https://t.me/examplesdesign/36
▶️ SAMPLE: https://ok.ru/video/6237555591730
▶️ SAMPLE: https://rutube.ru/video/a99d31d8687848f8937c9a42cf055d7c/
Michelle Villalobos Retreats To Riches Index:
📁 01-Introduction — Start Here!! Modules Overview & Housekeeping
- 📄 01-Welcome to Retreats to Riches!!.mp4 (23.96 MB)
- 📄 01-Welcome to Retreats to Riches!!.pdf (54.04 KB)
- 📄 02-How To Use This Course – An Overview of the Thinkific Interface.mp4 (16.19 MB)
📁 02-Module 1-The Opportunity
- 📄 01-Module 1 Lesson 1 – Get Excited! Retreats to Riches Business Model Opportunity Overview.mp4 (54.52 MB)
- 📄 02-odule 1 Lesson 2 – How I Discovered This Model (Michelle’s Story).mp4 (43.97 MB)
- 📄 03-Module 1 Lesson 3 – Retreat Leadership Attributes To Develop & Cultivate.mp4 (42.04 MB)
- 📄 04-Module 1 Lesson 4 – Retreats to Revenues- Projecting Your Retreat Goals & Outcomes.mp4 (44.42 MB)
- 📄 04-RTRRevenuesCalculatorScreenshareVideo-210223-092656.mp4 (218.75 MB)
- 📄 04-RetreatstoRevenuesCalculator-210223-093705.xlsx (8.05 KB)
📁 03-Module 2-Discover & Design Part 1
- 📄 01-Module 2 Lesson 1 – Discover & Design Module Introduction.mp4 (7.03 MB)
- 📄 02-Video 2 ‘ Purpose’ .mp4 (11.79 MB)
- 📄 03-SBBP09IdealAudienceAvatarJune2019Update-210307-131017.pdf (293.49 KB)
- 📄 03-Video 3 ‘ People’ .mp4 (136.24 MB)
- 📄 04-Video 4 ‘Pains’.mp4 (23.92 MB)
- 📄 05-Video 5 ‘Promise’.mp4 (65.83 MB)
📁 04-Module 3-Discover & Design Part 2
- 📄 01-Video 1 ‘Premise’.mp4 (211.32 MB)
- 📄 02-RetreatstoRichesSBBPOfferStackExample1-210307-211203.pdf (62.99 KB)
- 📄 02-SuperstarBusinessAcademyBrochureApril2018copyforRetreatsToRiches-210406-170218.pdf (12.32 MB)
- 📄 02-SuperstarBusinessBreakthroughOfferSlides-210308-092633.pdf (31.44 MB)
- 📄 02-Video 2 ‘Pricing & Packaging’.mp4 (655.45 MB)
- 📄 03-SignatureSystemWorksheet1-210307-211741.pdf (397.56 KB)
- 📄 03-Video 3 ‘Process’.mp4 (36.49 MB)
- 📄 04-Video 4 ‘Problem-Solution-Problem-Solution’.mp4 (20.02 MB)
- 📄 05-Video 5 ‘Plan’.mp4 (53.79 MB)
📁 05-Module 4-Promote & Enroll
- 📄 01-Video 1 ‘Intro- Sell It First’.mp4 (66.60 MB)
- 📄 02-Video 2 ‘Sales As Service Philosophy’.mp4 (43.35 MB)
- 📄 03-SalesAsServiceConversationOutlineScriptmaker-210223-111351.pdf (409.53 KB)
- 📄 03-Video 3 ‘ Sales Conversation Structure’.mp4 (1.29 GB)
- 📄 04-RTRSpeakerIntroTemplate-210223-114349.pdf (363.12 KB)
- 📄 04-RTRSpeakersToolKit-210223-113247.pdf (1.45 MB)
- 📄 04-RTRSuperstarStoryWorksheet-210223-114109.pdf (586.97 KB)
- 📄 04-Video 4 ‘ Marketing Overview’.mp4 (237.82 MB)
- 📄 05-ReferralStreamMappingForm1-210307-134236.pdf (289.43 KB)
- 📄 05-Video 5 ‘ Referrals’ .mp4 (94.04 MB)
- 📄 06-[AUDIO] ‘Sales As Service’ Audio Training – Quick Overview.mp3 (48.58 MB)
- 📄 07-[AUDIO] ‘Sales As Service Audio Training – Full .mp3 (41.16 MB)
- 📄 08-SalesAsServiceConversationOutlineScriptmaker-210407-160813.pdf (408.96 KB)
📁 06-Module 5-Prepare & Plan
- 📄 01-Video 1 ‘Module Overview’.mp4 (6.65 MB)
- 📄 02-CommunicationGuildelinesFeedbackandMasterminds2-210223-161301.pdf (356.33 KB)
- 📄 02-RetreatStructureWorksheet-210223-161801.pdf (537.45 KB)
- 📄 02-RetreatstoRichesQuickStartGuideandRoadmap1-210223-170029.pdf (1.02 MB)
- 📄 02-Video 2 ‘Design Your Retreat’.mp4 (98.47 MB)
- 📄 03-Video 3 ‘Prep Work & Retreat ‘Stick Strategy’ .mp4 (33.98 MB)
- 📄 04-RetreatEventagenda1-210407-171328.pdf (384.47 KB)
- 📄 04-SEBIRetreatsToRiches1PageEventPlan-210407-171441.pdf (288.36 KB)
- 📄 04-Video 4 ‘Onsite Logistics’.mp4 (54.80 MB)
- 📄 05-SalesWorksheestBigBackEndOffer1-210223-172329.pdf (184.96 KB)
- 📄 05-SalesWorksheestFoundationalOffer-210307-134044.pdf (188.18 KB)
- 📄 05-SalesWorksheestPackageOffers1-210307-134028.pdf (159.19 KB)
- 📄 05-Video 5 ‘Your Big Back End Offer’.mp4 (113.19 MB)
📁 07-Module 6-Delight, Invite & Retain
- 📄 01-Video 1 ‘Overview’.mp4 (4.24 MB)
- 📄 02-Video 2 ‘Onsite Success Strategy’.mp4 (76.29 MB)
- 📄 03-SalesWorksheestBigBackEndOffer1-210223-185809.pdf (183.88 KB)
- 📄 03-Video 3 ‘Making The Big Back End Offer’ .mp4 (52.65 MB)
- 📄 04-Video 4 ‘ Dealing With Difficult Situations’.mp4 (41.34 MB)
- 📄 05-Video 5 ‘Onboard & Retain Overview’.mp4 (54.86 MB)
- 📄 06-Video 6 ‘ Listen & Evolve’.mp4 (29.80 MB)
📁 08-Wrap Up
- 📄 01-Wrap Up .mp4 (6.90 MB)
- 📄 01-Wrap Up.pdf (27.97 KB)
- 📄 02-Special Offer!.pdf (96.98 KB)
📁 09-Bonus- Retreats To Riches Tool Kit
- 📄 01-Retreats To Riches Hot Seat, Session #4, May 26, 2021.mp4 (963.28 MB)
- 📄 01-RetreatstoRichesMasterPlanningChecklist2019-210407-171944.xlsx (2.33 MB)
- 📄 02-VirtualRetreatstoRichesMasterPlanningChecklist2019-210407-173213.xlsx (2.33 MB)
- 📄 03-NEW! Updated Big Back End Revenues Calculator.pdf (63.54 KB)
- 📄 04-Retreats To Riches Bonus Hot Seat Session #1 – Virtual Retreats.mp4 (1.37 GB)
- 📄 05-Retreats To Riches Bonus Hot Seat Session #2 – Easy Breezy YouTube Marketing .mp4 (933.82 MB)
- 📄 06-6StepsTo6FigureRetreatsQuickstartGuide-210407-155637.pdf (1.57 MB)
📁 10-Hot Seat Sessions
- 📄 01-Retreats To Riches Bonus Hot Seat Session #1 – Virtual Retreats.mp4 (570.09 MB)
- 📄 02-Retreats To Riches Bonus Hot Seat Session #2 – Easy Breezy YouTube Marketing .mp4 (933.95 MB)
- 📄 03-Retreats To Riches Hot Seat Session #3, May 19, 2021.mp4 (1.10 GB)
- 📄 04-Jake’s Strategy Session Audio.mp3 (6.78 MB)
- 📄 04-Retreats To Riches Hot Seat, Session #4, May 26, 2021.mp4 (963.28 MB)
Michelle Villalobos Retreats To Riches Benefits:
- Proven Monetization Strategies:
Learn how to effectively monetize your retreats, turning them into significant revenue generators. - Comprehensive Skill Development:
Gain proficiency in designing, promoting, and delivering retreats, ensuring a professional and profitable outcome. - High-End Program Enrollment:
Master techniques to enroll your favorite participants into high-end programs, increasing your overall profitability and client satisfaction.
Feel free to reach out to our CHAT support for personalized assistance and detailed information tailored to your needs. We’re here to help!
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