What is a SwinggCat Real World Seduction for Cheap?
Description Of Real World Seduction
In the last few years several books have been written, audio courses made, and seminars given for increasing a man’s success with women. Some of these books and audio courses have some great ideas, however, a lot of what they say is coming from the wrong frame (guys, we will talk about what frames are and their significance Iater on).
This book is different in that you will not only have more success with women, you will learn how to be the PRIZE and make beautiful women chase you. Now being the PRIZE and making beautiful women chase you is deeper than just getting laid more (if your goal is just to get laid more, go to Tai Land and fuck a dozen hookers). However, if you have a desire to not only sleep with hot women, but also to master the skills for making beautiful women see you as a PRIZE they want to chase, then read on.
I am sure some of you have heard other dating experts and gurus talk about the importance of believing you are the PRIZE. The problem is that many of these same experts are only teaching guys how to GAME women–game women in the sense of the man being a hunter who must entrap the PRIZE (the hot beautiful woman of value).
This definition implies that men must court, pursue, and win over the approval of beautiful women. But trying to win a woman over assumes that she is the PRIZE in the interaction, not the other way around. So, how can a man both believe and convey he is the PRIZE, if he does things that assume she is the PRIZE? He can’t. What is the answer? The answer is to stop GAMING women and start PRIZING them.
PRIZING is getting a woman so emotionally charged, she is compelled to GAME, COURT, CHASE, and PURSUE you.
In a nutshelI, this is exactly what this book is about. Okay let’s get started!
About Swinggcat
Real Name: Joshua Seltzer
Affiliation: Real World Seduction
A significant contributor from the early seduction days, He was a PUA that pioneered the idea of role reversal and prizing. His push-pull tactics were developed into products such as “On Prizing” and “Real World Seduction“.
Swinggcat is one of the early members of the seduction community, and is credited with introducing the techniques of push-pull and meta-frame. The character Grimble in The Game was largely based on Swinggcat.
We can’t believe it ourselves, but we got Swinggcat to agree to speak! This Original Guru from the book “The Game” pretty much never speaks in public. He was one of the true innovators in the game, bringing us concepts such as Push-Pull, Prizability, and others. Maybe one of the best psychological minds out there, this man combines humor and storytelling with tactics that are simply unfair and should be illegal.
- Only ONCE before has he made an appearance at a major seminar, and we are glad to have him back again as he is truly one of the “Original Gurus“.
- He owns & operates Real World Seduction.
Swinggcat Quotes
Push/Pull is the creme de la creme of attraction tools. Master Push/Pull and you’ll leave women no choice but to feel attraction toward you…even if they’re repulsed by your physical appearance “Are you adventurous? Are you spontaneous? If you were in kissing school, what grade would your kissing teacher give you?” (get her answer) “Let’s find out.” (kiss her)
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