What is a Wendi Friesen Breakfree End Porn Addiction for Cheap?
Hypnosis Will Stop your Addiction
Let’s Make It Easy
Are you struggling with an addiction to pornography?
Are you lying about your problem?
Are your relationships suffering?
Do you worry that you will never have a normal and satisfying sex life again?
It’s time to release the past, overcome your addiction and believe that you can change!
Wendi has combined years of working with actual clients facing addictions to pornography to make this program a powerful and successful one.
Pornography Addiction is powerful thing to break. I know that hypnotherapy can release the habitual state, change the triggers, restore a healthy sexual attitude and make you respect your relationships, family and self.
Why Hypnosis?
In my work with men who are struggling with this, I have found that some very specific methods of hypnosis can restore their mental health. Using these methods, a man can stop the viscous cycle, and become happy and healthy again.
Hypnosis is a powerful and fast way to create a belief within yourself that you don’t need porn to feel satisfied. This hypnotherapy program is very unique, because it takes you step by step through the aspects of triggers, habits, causes, and even some unusual direct suggestion techniques that use a double induction voice, to bypass your conscious mind and create change overnight.
Will it Work for Me?
Why are you here? Like most men who are wondering if they have a problem, you are looking for a solution. You already know that this is interfering with your happiness and your success.
Pornography Addiction is a growing problem. With the internet making it so accessible, people from every walk of life are struggling to find a solution. You are not alone.
In my work with clients, I have had great success in helping people gain control, and even more important- get a sense of freedom when they think about porn.
You need to make a change now. Hypnosis works for almost everyone. All you have to do is have a desire to change and make a commitment to listen. The hypnotherapy sessions do the rest.
What About My Sex Life?
In my work with clients, I have had great success in helping people gain control, and even more important- get a sense of freedom when they think about porn. Imagine how it might feel, if you actually feel stronger and more in control when faced with an opportunity to view porn? This hypnosis program will build values about what is really important to you in life. Then whenever you are faced with porn, your mind will expand the values, pushing you to a state of freedom and control instantly. This is an automatic response that your brain will have and you might be amazed at how easy it will be for you to simply turn down your interest in porn!
This therapy program will help you long for true intimacy with a real person. Your mind will restore the fascination and comfort that can only be found in real contact. As your mind loses interest in porn, you will realize that you want to seek out healthy, fun, exciting encounters with real people. This is probably the most important part. You will not just stop wanting porn. You will actually begin to desire the real thing again, and feel true satisfaction that only comes from real encounters.
Am I Really Addicted?
The mental process of addiction is very easily changed through hypnosis. The process that the brain uses to create the psychological addiction is similar to the process that I use in hypnosis to create a new state of mind.
Using hypnosis to release the addiction is similar to the process that is used when you created the addiction. Your mind is guided to have a new response, to create new values, and new beliefs. Triggers are installed that help you choose the freedom and strength that puts you in control. You will be amazed at how effective hypnosis can be, to guide you to the life you want.
The program has 14 sessions.
Each session addresses an aspect of releasing, resolving, healing, disconnecting, and creating the belief in your subconscious mind that you are able to enjoy your family, friends, relationships and have pride in yourself for creating a life you love.
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