
Andre Chaperone – Tiny Little Business

Original price was: $597.00.Current price is: $25.00.


What is Andre Chaperone Tiny Little Business for Cheap?

Creators are modern marketers, indie writers, entrepreneurs, infopreneurs, hackerpreneurs, solopreneurs, bootstrappers, freelancers, bloggers, indie founders, photographers, musicians, storytellers, programmers; anyone who is drawn to create art for the betterment or enjoyment of others, and does it ahead of profit.

Basically, anyone who chooses to earn an independent living by:

  1. creating work they’re proud of (that solves a real problem),
  2. and work that matters to the people they serve (value enough to pay for, and love enough to tell others about).

If you can find a group of people who have a problem and are willing to pay money to solve that problem, and you solve it for them, they’ll pay you money.

The creator believes that your audience isn’t there to serve you.

You serve FIRST.

Creators create customer-funded businesses, where 100% of funding comes from your customers and clients; your True Fans.

It’s a simple win-win dynamic:

  1. Serve first,
  2. get paid (well) and earn financial freedom as a result.

This dynamic means you are completely aligned with the needs of your customers — because the people you are serving are also the people who are giving you money for the work you do. They are giving you money because they are getting something they want in return.

That’s the formula for financial freedom right there.

If you’re a creator — if you see yourself as a knowledge worker (whose main capital is knowledge), and want to serve and lead an audience — you’re in the right place.


We help people create Tiny Little Businesses that matter, businesses that are intentionally small. Tiny doesn’t mean insignificant or “low profit” — it simply means becoming invaluable to a small group of true fans.

As creators, this is what we care about. This dynamic is built right into our logo:

Our new TLB Brand Logo

(From left to right.)

  1. Attract a “pocket of people” (POP) who care about making change (are enrolled in the journey),
  2. Create deep nuanced work you’re proud of, work that solves a real problem for the people you seek to serve,
  3. MAKE HAPPY CUSTOMERS. (Create a “True Fans Factory” by mattering to them and serving them as if they were the only people left on earth. When you do this, the inevitable outcome is SUPERFANS are created.)

Peter Drucker once said:

“The purpose of a business is to create a customer.” — Peter Drucker

… but we believe HAPPY needs to be part of that assertion; to make happy customers. Otherwise, what’s the damn point? We’re in the happy customer business, not the commodity business.

Point three above is the driving force of creators.

People like us.



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