What is a Bluffthespot High Stakes Course by MMAsherdog Cheap?
Master preflop
- A well built preflop strategy is the core of every successfull poker player.
- Master the first street and learn exactly, how to deviate from your gameplan depending on the rake structure and player type.
Crush Postflop
- Gather insights into the dicision making process of an elite player.
- Know exactly what to do in the most common spots and always find the most profitable play.
Learn Pio Solver
- Without doubt, Pio solver is one of the strongest tools when it comes to analyze ranges. But only if done correctly.
- Learn what really matters when it comes to Pio and study like a pro!
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Master Preflop
a solid understanding of preflop play is the core of every crushing poker player.
- Stop guessing and know exactly which hands to 3- bet and 4-bet in every situation.
- Get an easy to understand inside of essential preflop math.
- Learn how to design your own winning preflop ranges and how to deviate from your default strategy, depending on rake structure and player type.

Crush Postflop
Postflop is where the magic happens. Get inside a master`s head and leave your competition behind!
- Get a strong theoretical understanding of essential postflop spots.
- Know exactly when to deviate from your core strategy to find the most profitable line.
- Learn how to play turns and rivers like a pro and never miss a profitable spot again.

Watch MMAsherdog playing live
All information in the world is useless, if you don`t know how to implement it to your game.
Watch one of the best players in the world practicing what he preaches and gain a deep understanding of how to use his strategies in practice.

Master Pio
Pio solver is one of the most powerful tools to analyse ranges – But only if you use it the right way.
Be able to analyse your ranges like an elite player and stay ahead of the curve!

Rule the live scene
Without doubt, the softest games take place in live environments. But the live circuit is a completly different scene compared to online poker.
Discover how an elite player approaches the live scene and learn his tactics to get the most out of recreational opponents.

Question & Answer
In the last part of this action packed video series, MMAsherdog goes over the most common questions he gets asked by his students.
Table of content
- Course Intro
- The Fundamentals
- Studying with PIO Solver
- Live Poker
- Theoretical Videos
- Out of Position play from the Big Blind
- Blind vs. Blind
- In Position play
- 3Bet Pot in Position
- 3Bet Pots Out Of Position as 3Bettor
- 3Bet Pots Out of Position as Caller
- Live Play
- 500 Zoom session review Part 1
- 500 Zoom session review Part 2
- High Stakes Handreview
- Wrap Up
BluffTheSpot Co-founder and high stakes pro MMAsherdog shows you his preflop strategy, which helped him to win over 1 million USD in the toughest cash games in 2020.
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