
Bushra Azhar – Sold Out Launch

Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $19.99.

  • Comprehensive Training: The camp offers an extensive array of resources including MP3s, PDFs, and videos covering all aspects of copywriting.
  • Expert Guidance: Learn from seasoned professionals and legendary copywriters to gain valuable insights and proven techniques.
  • Practical Application: Each module is designed to equip you with practical skills that can be immediately applied to boost your copywriting success.


What is Bushra Azhar Sold Out Launch for Cheap?


The 4 step 45 minute idea validation and niche tightening method: This will save you months of posting survey questions and hoping people will just tell you what they want (Hint: surveys don’t work because people don’t know what they want, period.)

The USP Generator: A simple tool to reverse engineer your irresistible market positioning based on the core psychological triggers of your ideal buyer. This approach positions you as a subject matter expert who can tap into the her subconscious and make her say, “I WANT YOU NOW”!

The E-Learning Infrastructure: 4 Information selling models that get maximum returns and a simple test to identify which one of these models works best for your niche.

The Cash Spotter Technique: How to identify the “fastest cash areas” so you’ll know exactly what to do first to get huge gains for your clients, exactly what to sell, exactly what to charge, exactly who to target, and exactly which model to use in your launch.

Sold Out Launch in a Weekend: How to craft your offer, choose a model, map out your launch strategy, craft timelines and allocate resources in a weekend.


Fantastic Five Launch Pages: The 5 Pages you need (yes there are only 5) to create your own Sold Out Launch.

Your Opt In Page: A simple (proven) formula to create an optin page that converts 80% of the cold traffic into subscribers (and loyal fans)

Your Sales Page: Follow the Mass Persuasion Method to craft a sales page just like this one and to make an offer they just can not refuse. The exact structure, hooks and urgency points that make a killer sales page

Your Content Delivery Page: How to create a simple page that showcases your material in the best possible way

Your Thank You Page: That builds Know Like Trust and primes them for what’s next. This is a crucial page that almost everyone gets wrong

Your Online Program Members Page: The best way to set up the members area after people buy from you

I am not just showing you how to create these …I’m also just flat out giving you the templates for each one!

Fantastic Five Launch Emails: The 5 types of emails (yep 5 only) that you need to send so that you can convert people from subscribers to buyers

Seduce Email: How to create an instant connection with your readers and build Know Like Trust that not only create an instant bond with the reader but also establish you as THE subject matter expert using powerful storytelling techniques and polarizing seduction method so you attract raving fans and dispel lukewarm ones.

Tease Email: How to create a frenzy of excitement & hysteria around your launch. Email formula that creates an urgent, insistent need to sign up for your launch trigger so that you can lovingly guide them through your sales funnel.

Prime Email: How to prime people to buy from you. I will share a formula that serves two core purposes; priming people for the sale AND delivering massive value while creating a frenzy of excitement so that people BEG you to sell to them.

Pitch Email: How to write pitch emails that look like content but have a super persuasive pitch weaved into them using the principles of Believability & Desirability

Nudge Email: This email moves people from “I’ll buy when I have time” to “I Want this NOW!” People need more than one “nudge” to buy from you. I will show you a formula to write nudge emails that is tested to boost sales by as much as 70%.

Persuasive Blogging Workshop: How to research, outline and create your viral-worthy blog post & launch content in under 45 minutes

You’ll get examples, swipes files, worksheets, training videos, and more… so you’re able to hit the ground running without staring at a “blank screen” wondering how to start.


Sold Out Launch Traffic (The Strategy): This is where we start feeding your “launch machine” with perfect targeted traffic by putting your message in front of targeted audience primed to buy from you. Here’s what you get:

How to create an instant frenzy of likes, comments and shares for anything you share online by tapping on to their deepest darkest desires. Everything from Facebook ads to social media posts to punchy one-liners that pull people in.

A step by step training on how to find and target the RIGHT audience for your Facebook ads 10 Psychological hooks that you can use to write the copy for your Facebook ads (one of these got me a 9% click through rate)

10 Psychological hooks that you can use to write the copy for your Facebook ads (one of these got me a 9% click through rate)

A step by step, goof-proof training on using Power Editor to create your high performing Facebook ads. We will talk pixels, custom audiences and all that tech gibberish that scares you so much and I will actually make it fun.

Fantastic Five Launch Ads: The 5 ads you need for a Sold Out Launch. I will show you how to put together these 5 types of ads for maximum ROI on your ad spend:

Seduction and brand recognition Ads: So that you become a familiar face in their newsfeed and when they do actually see you offering something, they don’t feel violated

Authority building Article Ads: So that you can use the power of Facebook to establish yourself as a subject matter expert. There is a simple trick to master this that literally takes less than 30 minutes.

Optin Ads: To encourage people to sign up to your email list so that you can put them in your launch funnel (AKA sell to them)

Video Ads: These are under 2 minute videos that are meant to seed the idea of your product in the minds of your potential buyers. I will show you how to create these and what scripts to use.

Retargeted Ads: so that people who leave your site without opting in or buying can be brought back. This is how Amazon follows you around Facebook after you look at something but leave without buying.

Fantastic Five Social Media Posts: You only need 5 types of social media posts to get noticed in crowded places like Facebook groups and getting people to hunt you down and get on your list. This module will show you how to:

Craft your Sold Out Launch social media plan in under 60 minutes for maximum impact, engagement & conversions

Master social media etiquette and how to tailor your posts to fit the different platforms (FB groups, FB pages, live stream, twitter etc.)

Find the best places to get social media inspiration and curate content that establishes you as a subject matter expert


Sold Out Product Creation (Strategy)

You’re going to learn step-by-step how to create your own product in under 48 hours (so the actual nitty gritty product creation process), and finally how to record the sessions. This is product creation on steroids and the exact process I use to create so much quality content in so little time. Best Part? No past experience required!

Sold Out Product Creation (The how-to)

The three different types of info products and why you need to choose one before moving forward with course content creation

The different learning styles and how to create course content that addresses all styles for an optimal learning experience

Online course best practices to inspire you

How to set learning objectives and map out your course content in 45 minutes

How to use strategic thinking to create learning materials that support an optimal learning experience

How to map out the required learning materials for your program in 45 minutes

5 best free tools for creating beautiful worksheets, guides and printables for your course

How to whip up beautiful worksheets, guides and printables for your program in 2 hours



Build a Sold Out Launch:

How to put all the pieces together and finally press START on that launch. This is where the rubber meets the road and this is where we get to WIN!

The Ultimate Launch Checklist and Turbo Execution Guide, Plan and Calendar Template

A walk-through of my process on how to launch working 4 hours a day even during launch days

Sold Out Smart Phone Video Production:

How to prep for your launch video shoot and a sure-fire way to always look perfectly put together in your launch videos (lighting, makeup, dress, background etc.)

How to use your smartphone to make professional looking launch videos

My favorite video editing softwares and how to use them for a professional looking launch video.



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