
Crafty Wheel Preflop+ Poker GTO Nash Charts Cracked

Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $39.99.

  • Crafty Wheel Preflop+ provides accurate EV calculations for every shove or call, helping you avoid marginal spots.
  • Features include beautiful charts, a hand equity calculator, and a bankroll tracker for comprehensive poker analysis.
  • Training mode and combinatorics support ensure you improve your preflop range analysis effectively.


What is Crafty Wheel Preflop+ Poker GTO Nash Charts Cracked for Cheap?

The #1 poker odds trainer for preflop GTO Nash Equilibrium based decisions.

Never make a bad shove again!

Cracked Version Available for Android.

Version 4.5.2

Preflop+ is the only GTO poker equity, odds calculator, and trainer app taht you need to improve and drill your preflop range analysis when you are shortstacked and facing snap shove decision at the tables.

Crafty Wheel Preflop+Poker GTO Nash Charts Cracked Features

  • EV of every single shove and/or call is shown so that you can base your decisions based on EV and avoid those marginal spots as an exploit!
  • Over 100,000 downloads
  • Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Beautiful charts, color coded so you can make your decisions quickly
  • Poker analytics and poker range tool
  • Hand Equity Calculator using state of the art highly optimised algorithms to calculate hand equity
  • Simple and clear Bankroll tracker
  • Training Mode lets you train to improve
  • Combinatorics support
  • No internet connection required and results are shown instantly as soon as you choose the spots!


Main Conclusions:

  • Crafty Wheel Preflop+ provides precise EV calculations for every shove/call scenario, helping you make optimal decisions based on expected value.
  • The app offers a comprehensive training mode to drill and improve your preflop range analysis skills.
  • With over 100,000 downloads and a high rating, Crafty Wheel Preflop+ is a trusted and popular tool for poker players.

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